2024 STEM Catalog
Intro to Simple Machines: Levers & Pulleys 498762 Builds 8 fully-func�oning replicas of real-world machines, one at a �me. STEM set is designed to introduce students to the scien�fic concepts K’NEX
STEM Levers and Pulley Building Set 498745 Students can use this kit to build 3 replicas of real-world simple machines. The building kit introduces simple machines, such as a balance, K’NEX
associated with 2 types of Simple Machines – levers and pulleys. Working coopera�vely, students are encouraged to interact with each other as they build, inves�gate, discuss and evaluate scien�fic principles in ac�on. For 2-3 students in teams. GRADE LEVEL 3-5. Includes 178 pieces, building instruc�ons, comprehensive teacher's guide and storage tray with snap-on lid. Intro to Simple Machines: Gears 498764 Build 7 different replicas of real-world models, 1 at a �me. Demonstrate 2 spur gear, 2 crown gear and 2 sprocket gear examples. Supports 2-3 students working as a team. GRADE LEVEL 3-5. Includes 198-pieces, building instruc�ons, downloadable teacher's guide and storage container. K’NEX Introduc�on to Structures: Bridges
wheelbarrow, and a sailboat with easy-to-follow, step-by-step building
instruc�ons. Set includes 3 a�er-build experiments that teach your students about STEM concepts like lever classes, pulley systems, effort and more. For 1-2
students working as a team. FOR AGES 8+. Includes 139 K'NEX pieces and instruc�ons.
STEM Gears Building Set Students can build 3 fully func�oning, unique real-world geared models such as a crank fan, an egg beater, and a car window. This building set also includes 3 downloadable ac�vity sheets to guide children through hands-on, inquiry-based K’NEX 498752
experiments. They will be introduced to concepts like gear configura�ons, gear ra�os, rota�onal speed, mechanical advantage, and more. For 1-2 students working as a team. FOR AGES 8+. Includes 143 K'NEX pieces and instruc�ons.
STEM Vehicles Building Set Children can build up to 7 vehicle models with different power sources, such as push power, rubber band power, wind power, and a spring motor. Once the models are built, the 5 downloadable ac�vity sheets that are included will K’NEX 498746
K’NEX 498766
Build 13 different bridge models, 1 at a �me. Demonstrates beam, truss, arch, can�lever, suspension, cable-stayed and
movable/bascule. Supports 2-3 students working as a team. GRADE LEVEL 3-5. Includes 207-pieces, building instruc�ons, downloadable teacher's guide and storage tray.
guide children through hands-on, inquiry-based experiments. They will be introduced to the science behind poten�al and kine�c energy, velocity, accelera�on, mo�on, graphing, and more. Supports 1-2 students working as a team. FOR AGES 8+. Includes 131 K'NEX pieces and instruc�ons.
Maker Kit Large 498741 Your students will discover the fun of STEM by crea�ng a variety of scale models, such as the Eiffel Tower, a helicopter, prehistoric creatures and many more. Building these scale models helps students to learn science and technology concepts and gain a concrete K’NEX
STEM Explora�ons Swing Ride Building Set 498747 Students can build a working motorized swing ride with this educa�onal building set. This engineering set can also be used for building 2 other rides, a boom ride and a Ferris wheel. For 1-3 students working as a team. FOR AGES 8+. K’NEX
understanding of how real-world equipment works. Aside from s�mula�ng children's brains, this kit also promotes social skills through teamwork and collabora�on. Supports 6-12 students. FOR AGES 6+. Includes 863 K'NEX pieces, instruc�ons and storage tray with lid.
Includes 486 K'NEX pieces, motor and instruc�ons. Requires 2 AA batteries, sold separately.
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