2024 STEM Catalog

STEM Electronics Kit Step-by-step instruc�ons help students build simple and complex models to learn about electrical circuits, and/or circuits, electronic motors, series and parallel connec�ons of resistors, pole-changing circuits with diodes, transistor circuits and differen�al amplifiers. All the electronic components are pre-mounted onto the circuit boards so students can get learning right away. FOR AGES 13+. Includes teaching and ac�vity material with 20 different experiments (free download). 250 components including XS motor, 2 push-bu�on switches, 2 diodes, 2 transistors, 3 resistors, 2 capacitors, ba�ery holder and molded case. Requires 9-volt battery, sold separately. FISCHERTECHNIK 406215


STEM Renewable Energies Educa�on Set Make the basics of renewable energies FISCHERTECHNIK 406216

Robo�cs TXT 4.0 Base Set 406218 Measurement, control, regula�on and FISCHERTECHNIK

understandable and ensure las�ng comprehension! Nine models and 28

programming from secondary level onwards. This Robo�cs TXT 4.0 Base Set is the perfect start to programming like the pros! The models can be programmed and controlled with the ROBO Pro Coding programming so�ware and the ROBOTICS TXT 4.0 controller. Beginners can access ready-made sample programs, while advanced and professionals can get started directly in a Blockly programming environment or in Python. Includes controller, coding so�ware, Accu Set, 2 encoder motors, USB camera, ultrasonic sensor, track sensor, 2 push bu�ons, 2 LEDs, phototransistors and tray.

experiments are used to demonstrate the produc�on, storage and use of electricity from natural sources like water, wind and solar power. A full set of lesson plans helps teachers use the STEM Renewable Energies set in the classroom. Includes 2 solarmodul 1V, solarmotor, goldcap, LED, fuel cell, voltage transformer and mul�meter.

STEM H2 Fuel Cell Car Kit 406213 FISCHERTECHNIK

Robo�cs TXT 4.0 Controller 406220 Controller offers plenty of features with its 512 MB RAM and 4 GB eMMC memory, the 3 servo outputs and a capaci�ve touch display that FISCHERTECHNIK

Children can learn how a fuel cell works, how it can be used to produce hydrogen, and how that hydrogen can be used to drive a vehicle. With this hands-on ac�vity kit, they'll build a car and produce hydrogen to power it around the classroom. This kit is the perfect

addi�on to the line of other "Green Energy" building sets. Includes 117 components, fuel cell and fuel cell motor.

supports swipe gestures. The improved WLAN and Bluetooth module offers the right wireless interface for numerous applica�ons. Up to 8 addi�onal controllers can be connected to one controller as extensions. Firmware updates are automa�cally downloaded via the cloud. Requires Accu Set or Power Set, sold separately.

Robo�cs BT: Beginner Students construct 12 easy-to-understand models such as hand dryer, carousel, level crossing, conveyor belt with stamping machine and caterpillar machine. The Smart Controller FISCHERTECHNIK 406175

Accu Set NiMH Ba�ery & Charging Unit 406030 Ideal for powering mobile models. Ba�ery charger with microcontroller for reliable protec�on from overcharge. Very short recharging �me, maximum FISCHERTECHNIK

with 4 inputs for sensors and 2 outputs for motors and lamps features a USB port and Bluetooth 4.0 port. The ROBO Pro Light so�ware download (Windows 7*, 8, 10/tablet: ini�ally Android) makes it possible to program models quickly, and in a way that is easy to follow. The new BT Smart Controller works with Scratch. Includes 380 parts, BT Smart Controller (USB port/Bluetooth 4.0 port), 2 XS motors, 2 LED light barriers, 2 photo transistors, 2 push bu�on switches and ba�ery holder. Requires 9V battery, sold separately. *Selected Bluetooth 4.0 sticks are required for Windows 7, sold separately.

2 hours. High-powered NiMH Accu Pack with short-circuit protec�on, 8.4V/1500 mAH. 120V/60Hz.



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