2024 STEM Catalog
Build-It Cardboard Starter Kit 477022 ELMERS Kid-safe cu�ng tool allows for safe and easy cu�ng through cardboard and comes with a snap-on sleeve to protect the blade when not
Levers and Linkages ENGINO 391000 Learn how levers are used to increase a force for li�ing heavy objects and how they can change the direc�on of mo�on. Find out how to create models with complex mo�on by connec�ng many levers together and learn how these linkages can be applied to various machines. Wheels, Axles and Inclined Planes 391001 ENGINO Learn how wheels and axles use fric�on to move objects easily and how big �res compare to small �res. Find out how an inclined plane can be used for li�ing heavy objects and how another form of inclined plane, the wedge, is
in use. The two-sided hole punch and screwdriver tool lets you punch a hole in the pieces of cardboard, then flip over the tool to screw them together. Brackets allow for connec�ng cardboard pieces to create a corner, extend a wall and more! FOR AGES 6+. Includes kid-safe cardboard cu�ng tool with protec�ve sleeve, two-sided tool with hole punch and screwdriver, brackets and screws. Build-It Cardboard Expansion Kit 477020 ELMERS Features addi�onal tools for kids to create bigger and bolder cardboard crea�ons. Rivets allow you to add movement such as racecar wheels, robot arms and propellers. Hinges help create doors that open and close, while brackets enable you to create corners, extend walls and more! FOR AGES 6+. Includes 4 hinges, 4 flat brackets, four 90° brackets and 4 screws. Build-It Screw Hole Punch 477033 ELMERS Adding this tool to your cardboard crea�on toolbox allows kids to find new ways to make their ideas come to life. This double-sided tool has a hole punch on one end and a screwdriver on the other. Simply punch a hole through two pieces of cardboard, then use the screwdriver to a�ach them together! FOR AGES 6+. Build-It Screws 477023 ELMERS
Build 16 working models such as a seesaw, movable weight scale, wheelbarrow, parking gate, a pantograph and 2 types of linkages. FOR AGES 8-16.
used in every day applica�ons. Build 14 working models such as a launching pla�orm, a door with knob, a well, airport staircase, experimental ramp and a spli�ng wedge. FOR AGES 8-16.
Cams and Cranks 391003 ENGINO Learn how to transmit power using cams and cranks and how they can be used to convert reciprocal to linear mo�on. Discover how these mechanisms are crucial elements of many
machines even though they are not considered as “simple machines”. Build 8 working models such as a fishing crane, oil pump, moving bridge, sewing machine and flying eagle. FOR AGES 8-16.
Con�nue the fun of building with cardboard by adding more Cardboard Screws to your toolbox! These screws allow kids to easily connect 2 pieces of cardboard with the hole punch and screwdriver tools for bigger, bolder crea�ons. FOR AGES 6+.
Pulley Drives 391002 ENGINO Learn how pulley drives can be used to transfer force with reduced fric�on and how they can increase force or speed at amazing levels. Pulleys are essen�al parts of complex machines
Build-It Saw 477030 ELMERS
in modern �mes, solving many technological problems. Build 8 working models such as a material li�, sta�onary bike, crane bridge, blender, construc�on crane and a windmill. FOR AGES 8-16.
Kid-safe tool allows children to easily and safely cut through pieces of cardboard to build a castle, robot, dinosaur, or anything else! Saw includes a snap-on sleeve for added protec�on when not in use. FOR AGES 6+.
Gears and Worm Drives ENGINO 391004
Learn how gears can easily reduce or increase speed, change force or transfer mo�on from one posi�on to another. Discover how worm drives are used to greatly reduce rota�onal speed and how screws can convert rota�onal mo�on to linear, while greatly increasing force. Build 12 working models such as a gearbox, carousel, helicopter, screw press and a crane with rota�ng arm. FOR AGES 8-16.
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