2024 STEM Catalog

STEM Kit 1 615701 OSEPP

Stepper Motor with Driver Board 949267 VELLEMAN 5 VDC stepper motor controlled by the ULN2003 driver can be used with any Arduino or compa�ble boards via Arduino Giga R1 Wifi ARDUINO 189904 Dual-core 32-bits microcontroller allows you have two brains talking to each other. Run micropython in one and Arduino in the other.

The ul�mate tool for anyone learning how to code in the Arduino language. No experience required. This kit will teach you the 8 most commonly used inputs and outputs in the Arduino environment. Once you have mastered

jumper leads. 4-phase LED indicates the status of the stepper motor.

these func�ons using the OseppBlock IDE, you will be well on your way to programming using the Arduino IDE without the graphical ‘block’ support. FOR AGES 10+. Includes OSEPP UNO R4 Plus Board, tutorial booklet and case.

4-Channel Relay Module VELLEMAN 949266 This 4-channel relay interface board can control various appliances and other equipment with high current. It can be controlled directly by any micro-controller. Bluetooth Module HC-06 OSEPP 615713 Module allows your projects to wirelessly communicate, whether you’re looking to control an Arduino with a smart phone, or pair mul�ple Arduinos to each other. Bluetooth HC-05 Transmission Module VELLEMAN 949263 Arduino compa�ble module allows you to integrate a microcontroller into a Bluetooth network. Ultrasonic Sensor Module OSEPP 615710 All-in-one ultrasonic 5V transmi�er and receiver sensor with range up to 400 cm. 100% Arduino compa�ble. FOR AGES 5+. 16 x 2 LCD Display & Keypad Shield 615714 OSEPP Interfaces with the Arduino board using digital pin 4 to 10 and analog pin 0. Contrast can be adjusted via a trim

Runs on Wi-Fi® or Bluetooth®. Has 4 UARTs, 3 I2C ports, 2 SPI ports, and 1 FDCAN. Total 76 GPIO pins plus 2 new pins: a VRTC to connect ba�ery and keep the RTC running while the board is off, and an OFF pin to shut down the board.

Arduino Giga Display Shield ARDUINO 189935 Effortlessly deploy graphic interfaces to your Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi projects using this innova�ve touch screen solu�on. Leveraging the new pin header connector in the middle of GIGA R1 WiFi, this shield offers seamless integra�on and enhanced func�onali�es.

SparkFun Sensor Kit SPARKFUN 832721 This electronics project kit includes a sensor for just about every job. With some of the most popular sensors from each category, you'll be able to sense gesture, humidity, temperature, Touch Screen for Arduino Uno/MEGA 949268 VELLEMAN 2.8" color touch screen for Arduino Uno/MEGA.

mo�on, touch, sound, al�tude, accelera�on, and more! Also includes several of sensor boards featuring the Qwiic Connect System for rapid prototyping. Includes Piezo vibra�on sensor, reed switch, magnet square, force sensi�ve resistor, flex sensor, so�pot, mini photocell, PIR mo�on sensor, op�cal detector/phototransistor, IR diodes, 42 resistors, 2 breakout boards, indoor air quality sensor, capaci�ve touch slider, Qwiic cable, RGB and gesture sensor, soil moisture sensor, sound detector and break away headers. Arduino Sensor Kit 189960 ARDUINO Designed for beginners, this kit teaches how to connect and program basic Grove modules that includes both sensors and actuators. Connect individual Grove modules to the Base Shield or combine them in various combina�ons to create fun and exci�ng projects. The Base Shield can be mounted on to an Arduino UNO board and can be programmed using the Arduino IDE. Includes 7 digital connec�ons, 4 analog connec�ons, 4 I2C connec�ons, UART connec�on, 10 Grove modules and 6 Grove cables.

pot and the backlit can be turned on and off. 5V compa�ble.

PowerBoost 500C Charger 189501 ADAFRUIT

The ideal power supply for powering your robot, Arduino project or single-board-computer such as Raspberry Pi. With a built-in ba�ery charger circuit, you'll be able to keep your project running even while recharging the ba�ery. This DC/DC boost converter module can be powered by any 3.7V Li-ion/LiPoly ba�ery (not included), and convert the ba�ery output to 5.2V DC for running your 5V projects. Includes fully assembled and tested PowerBoost 500C + USB jack



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