2024 STEM Catalog
mCookie 102 Basic Kit Basic Kit is a do it yourself, modular electronics kit featuring Microduino's mCookie modules. Arduino compa�ble kit is ideal for beginners MICRODUINO 534900
DuinoKit Educator V3 Kit 342003 DUINOKIT This complete prototyping kit is based on microprocessor technology and includes all necessary wires, parts, and components for
mCookie I�y Bi�y City Kit 534903 MICRODUINO An 8-in-1 project kit which features mCookie modules. Arduino compa�ble kit doesn’t require wiring or soldering. Each project introduces new concepts and ideas related to programming and electronics. The code for each project is freely available for modifica�on. With its LEGO® compa�ble pieces bring projects to life! logic), blue (communica�on), yellow (func�on) and green (extension). Includes 12 modules, mBa�ery, 6 trinkets, 15 sensors, earphone adapter, 4 IO adapters, 2 motors, MicroSD card and reader, MicroUSB cable, remote control, 24 sensor cables, 2 servos, servo adapter, 2 speakers, 2 wheels and manual. and educators looking to learn or teach electronics and programming. The kit eliminates the need for wiring by making electronics easily connectable. With the magne�c stackable design it is as simple as snapping pieces together! mCookie modules are LEGO® compa�ble (not included). This makes crea�ng projects quick and easy. Simply stack the modules and place them into a LEGO® build! Each module is color coded based on its role. Grab what is needed for a project and stack them together! Includes 4 modules, 2 trinkets, 5 sensors, MicroUSB cable, 8 sensor cables, servo, servo adapter, USB flash drive and manual. mCookie 202 Advanced Kit 534901 MICRODUINO The mCookie Series eliminates the need for wiring by making electronics easily connectable. With the magne�c stackable design it is truly as simple as snapping pieces together! mCookie modules are LEGO® compa�ble (not included). Arduino compa�ble kit is an excellent learning tool for absolute beginners and educators who want to learn about or teach electronics and programming. Kit contains a set of beginner-friendly modules. Each module is color coded based on its role. Grab what is needed for a project and stack them together! Red (brains and logic), blue (communica�on), yellow (func�on) and green (extension). Includes 8 modules, mBa�ery, 3 trinkets, 11 sensors, earphone adapter, 2 IO adapters, MicroSD card and reader, MicroUSB cable, remote control, 16 sensor cables, servo and adapter, 2 speakers and manual. mCookie 302 Expert Kit 534902 MICRODUINO Expert kit is a do-it-yourself, easily connectable, modular electronics kit. Arduino compa�ble kit is perfect for beginners and educators looking to learn or teach electronics and programming. This kit features the beginner friendly mCookie Series modules, sensors and trinkets. With the addi�on of motors in this kit you can now add mo�on to your projects. The Mo�on module can help detect movement and orienta�on with its gyroscope and accelerometer. In addi�on, the Wi-Fi module enables your project to connect to the internet. Each module is color coded based on its role. Red (brains and
numerous projects, plus online course materials and component lessons. Includes Arduino NANO compa�ble microprocessor, accelera�on sensor, ultrasonic distance sensor, IR remote controller, PS2 joys�ck module, relay, stepper motor, ULN2003-based stepper motor driver, temperature and humidity sensor, LED bar graph array, ac�ve and passive buzzers, servo, analog temperature sensor (thermistor), power supply module, matrix keyboard, DC motor and driver, LCD1602, 8 x 8 dot-matrix LED display, 8-digit 7-segment display with shi� register, 7-segment LED display, light sensor (Photoresistor), switches, colored LEDs, resistors (2200, 1KO, 10KO), poten�ometers (10KO), capacitors (104 and 10uF), bu�ons, NPN and PNP transistors, diodes, ba�ery holder, breadboard, USB cable, male-to-male and male-to-female jumper wires, band resistor card, rotary encoder, oLed 64 x 128 module, Mosfet transistor, IR receiver module, 8-digit 7-segment display module with driver, 8 x 8 LED array with driver, real �me clock module, transistors and 10 LED strips. Mac, PC, or Linux-based computer for uploading programs to the Arduino compatible processor, not included.
Inventor's Kit v4.1 SPARKFUNN 832712 Inventor's Kit is a great way to get started with programming and hardware interac�on with the Arduino programming language. Includes everything needed to complete 5 overarching
projects consis�ng of 16 interconnected circuits that teach everything from blinking an LED to reading sensors. The kit does not require any soldering. FOR AGES 10+. Includes RedBoard Qwiic, Arduino and Breadboard holder, white solderless breadboard, mini screwdriver, 16x2 white-on-black LCD, motor driver, pair rubber wheels, pair gear motors, small servo, ultrasonic distance sensor, temp sensor, 6' USB micro-B cable, jumper wires, photocell, tricolor LED, RBYG LEDs and tac�le bu�ons, 10K trimpot, mini power switch, speaker, AA ba�ery holder, 330 and 10K resistors, binder clip, dual-lock fastener, molded case and inventor's guidebook.
Forming project ideas then building and coding them couldn’t be easier. Each module is color coded based on its role. Projects include: piggy bank, finger basketball, reflex ba�le, windmill, lighthouse, music box, night light and smart car. Includes 3 modules, mBa�ery, 7 sensors, 3 trinkets, 2 balls, 136 building blocks, MicroUSB cable, 2 motors, Omni-Wheel, remote control, black tape roll, rubber sleeve, 16 sensor cables, set of music cards, USB flash drive, 2 wheels and manual.
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