2024 STEM Catalog
Arduino Compatible Project Kits 1-Student Kit 189900
CTC Go! Core Module 189903 ARDUINO
Perfect for educators teaching remotely, this hands-on and step-by-step kit helps students learn the basics of electronics, programming, and coding at home. No prior knowledge or experience necessary. Includes Arduino UNO rev3 board, breadboard, mul�meter, ba�ery, wires, various sensors, actuator and molded case. ARDUINO Starter Kit 189880 Quickly and easily get started learning electronics, no prior experience required. Introduces coding and electronics through fun, engaging, and hands-on projects. Teach students about current, voltage, and digital logic plus the fundamentals of programming. There’s an introduc�on to sensors and actuators and how to understand both digital and analog signals. Within all this, you’ll be teaching students how to think cri�cally, learn collabora�vely, and solve problems. Includes Arduino Uno, USB cable, breadboard, 70 jumper wires, wooden base, 9V ba�ery snap, stranded jumper wires (black and red), 6 phototransistor, 3 poten�ometer 10kOhms, 10 pushbu�on temperature sensor �lt sensor, alphanumeric LCD (16x2 characters), LED (bright white), LED (RGB), 8 LEDs (red), 8 LEDs (green), 8 LEDs (yellow), 3 LEDs (blue), DC motor 6/9V, servo motor, Piezo capsule, H-bridge motor driver, optocouplers, 2 Mosfet transistors, 3 capacitors 100uF, 5 Diodes, 3 transparent gels (red, green, blue), 1 male pins strip, 20 resistors 220 Ohms, 5 resistors 560 Ohms, 5 resistors 1 kOhms, 5 resistors 4.7 kOhms, 20 resistors 10 kOhms, 5 resistors 1 MOhms, 5 resistors 10 MOhms and Projects Book. ARDUINO Explore IoT Starter Kit Rev2 189921 ARDUINO Advanced high school and college students will learn how to build internet-connected objects with easy-access ge�ng started ac�vi�es and 10 sustainability projects, supported by technical and theore�cal lessons. Each of these projects allows students to inves�gate and solve a real-world challenge aligned to one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals such as urban farming, health monitoring, and water and waste conserva�on.
Designed for beginners and includes 8 lessons, 8 guided projects, and 6 self-guided projects. Lessons start with the basics and increase in difficulty up to learning different programming capabili�es and building circuits for different sensors and actuators. Includes access to the Arduino Educa�on Learning Management System, 8 Arduino UNO Wifi Boards (rev 2), 8 Arduino Educa�on Shields, 8 USB cables, 10 piezos, 10 ultrasonic sensors, 8 ba�eries (9V) with leads and DC plugs, 130 LEDs RGYB, 10 poten�ometers, 80 resistors (220 ohms), 40 resistors (10 K ohms), 8 breadboards, 8 mini breadboards, 2 springs, 2 phototransistors, 260 jumper wires (m-m), 100 jumper wires (f-m), 20 jumper wires (f-f), 8 rolls of copper tape (20 cm), 4 steel balls, 16 push bu�ons, 16 arcade bu�ons, modular assembly pieces and molded storage and sor�ng boxes.
Educa�on Starter Kit Teaches the basics of programming, coding, and electronics, no prior knowledge or experience necessary. Includes teacher guides and lessons can ARDUINO 189902
be paced according to your students’ abili�es. You can integrate the kit throughout the curriculum, giving your students the opportunity to become confident in programming and electronics with guided sessions and open experimenta�on. Includes 4 Arduino UNO rev3 boards, 4 mul�meters, 4 breadboards, ba�eries, wires, sensors, actuators and molded case.
Includes MKR WiFi 1010, MKR IoT Carrier Rev2, two 24V relays, SD card holder, 5e tac�le bu�ons, plug and play Grove connectors, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, pressure sensor, gas sensor (VOC), ambient light sensor, RGB color sensor, gesture sensor, accelerometer, RGB 1.20" rounded display, Li-Ion rechargeable ba�ery holder, 5 RGB LEDs, buzzer, micro USB cable, moisture sensor, PIR sensor, plug-and-play cables and molded case.
Made with FlippingBook - Online Brochure Maker